Dylan Delhommois
Co-founder of Cryptobjectif
Dylan began his entrepreneurial endeavors in his home country, France, in 2017, when he was 19 years old, with the co-founding of Cryptobjectif, where he ventured into the intricate world of crypto investment consultation and management, launching the first company doing this in France.
In 2021, Dylan moved to Romania and launched in 2023 his latest venture, Miningful, a platform dedicated to simplifying cryptocurrency mining and making it accessible to enthusiasts of all levels. With a commitment to streamlining a complex process, he is paving the way for a more inclusive mining experience.
Beyond business, Dylan dedicated his efforts to community empowerment from his 12 years old to 19 years old. His involvement in Net’Entr@ide, a French NGO giving IT classes to people, demonstrated his commitment to bridging technological gaps and providing support to individuals across generations.